Meeting the First Tuesday of the Month
Officer’s Rehearsal Last Tuesday of the Month
Annual Communication the First Tuesday in January
Upcoming Events
November 5
GM visitation to Adelphoi Lodge
November 16
GL semi-annual meeting
November 26
Officer rehearsal
December 3
DDGM visitation to Adelphoi Lodge
December 10
DDGM visitation to Washington Lodge
December 16
St.John’s (Newport) Annual
Masters Message
Greetings Brethren,
I hope this message finds you all well and in good health. The business of the Lodge doesn't stop. Last month we were honored to receive the Grand Master and his suite of over 80 Brothers and guest to Adelphoi. This was an opportunity to showcase
the officers' commitment to rebuilding the Lodge. The Grand Master was extremely grateful for the hospitality received by the Brethren. Special thanks to Brother Ryan McCauley for arranging the music for the evening, and to our Stewards W John and W Victor for providing a fabulous meal and service to all. Well done! Thank you. You all did such a great job last month, you get to do it again this month! The DDGM for the East Bay will be visiting our Lodge this month. We will have a presentation titled "The History of Freemasonry in RI" presented by Sam Biagetti. I have heard his presentation before, it is very interesting, and informative. I hope you can all attend. Dinner will be served before the meeting at 5:45. The Lodge will open at 6:45, with the DDGM being received at 7:30. The meeting is a semi public event, everyone is invited.
We do have some business to attend to before the DDGM arrives. Dues notices should be going out by now. I would like us to all commit to purchasing a food basket to be distributed to the folks who are in need. Its time to think of those less fortunate then us. I hope to have more info regarding our Christmas party as well.
As Masons we took an oath to assist and aid distressed Brothers as much as we can. Please keep that in mind during this Holiday season. If you hear or know of a Brother who needs help do not hesitate to contact myself, or any of the officers. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
David Cardullo
Worshipful Master
Lodge Monthly Message
An Regular Communication of Adelphoi Lodge No.33, will be held on Tuesday, December 2nd, 2024, at 6:45 pm at 18 Turner Ave, Riverside, RI 0291.
Lodge will be opened at 6:45pm
For the work of the evening will welcome District Deputy Grand Master Mazon Alsabe for his official visitation to the Adelphoi Lodge.
Lodge will open at 5:45pm to attend to such business as may regularly come before the lodge.
The program for the evening will be a presentation - "The History of Freemasonry in RI" presented by Sam Biagetti.
This portion of the evening will be semi-public. Guests are invited to dinner and the program of the evening.
Dinner will be prior to the meeting at 5:45 pm at the lodge.
Please call in your reservation for dinner no later that Friday November 29th to allow our caterer to be well prepared.
Call 401-237-0647 For RESERVATIONS No later than 7:00 pm,
Adelphoi #33 Masonic Lodge
On March 19, 1896 the Masonic Temple on Dorrance Street was completely destroyed by fire. The various bodies of Freemasonry in Providence with the exception of Adelphoi were without a home and Brother Henry A. Kirby as Master of Adelphoi extended the hospitality of Adelphoi Lodge rooms to all homeless Masonic bodies until such time as temporary quarters could be made available elsewhere.
Adelphoi donating reader glasses and sunglasses
Adelphoi Lodge #33 is donating reader spec glasses and sunglasses in various strengths to the public. These glasses cannot be resold so each pair is labeled with the sticker shown. We would like for every lodge and any customer facing business to accept a box and refills. Please give them away freely as our goal is to help as many people as possible.