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Master's Message June 2022

Fellow Adelphoi Brethren,

Apologies for the long message but I'm excited to be communicating with you again so please read to the end.

The summer break is nearly over and soon we'll be back in the lodge together. While we may have not have held meetings since our special MM degree on June 28, that doesn't mean that our officers haven't been working on spreading the word about our lodge and freemasonry all summer. I'm downright proud to tell you that Adelphoi #33 officers have given away almost 2,000 pairs of reader spec eyeglasses all over Rhode Island and states nearby SO FAR with many more cases still yet to be distributed. These glasses are available at barber shops, pizza restaurants, senior centers, libraries, office cafeterias, nursing homes, hospitals... anyplace people visit. If you have an opportunity to present these display boxes full of assorted strength reader eyeglasses someplace please contact myself or any Adelphoi officer and we will get them right to you. We have a unique opportunity to help many, many people with these eyeglasses and we're all very excited to provide that help to anyone who desires it. It also helps people to know that Adelphoi Lodge #33 is actively working to improve lives through charity. I'm looking forward to our stated meeting at 7:00 on September 6. Besides the joy of reconnecting with Brothers, there will also be a program called Introduction to Rhode Island

Rusty Apron, Freemasonry Flashback, Craft Comeback... whatever you call it, it's happening at our November 1st stated communication. A friendly refresher of the freemasonry basics and lodge protocols revisited and explained. If a Brother from any lodge hasn't been to the lodge in a while or is feeling unsure because they don't remember all they learned or it was never explained clearly then this is exactly the program we all need.

I believe these programs have great value and are so much more fun with full sidelines so please plan to attend and bring another Brother with you. I really look forward to seeing you there.

Fraternally yours,

Bill Gervais
Presiding Master